Interesting Talk



Beside medical-psychological definitions, the term trauma stands for devastating life experience, which we can only live through or process partially.

These experiences remain in our psychophysical memory as stressful memories and manifest themselves situationally as tension, symptoms or uncontrolled reaction patterns.

In extreme cases, they overwrite our functional behavior with inhibitory, altering or contraindicated behavioral programs that interfere with the way we want to live our lives.

AS AN INTEGRATIVE METHOD, which directs our attention to overcoming dysfunctional reaction patterns in human behavior, the Alexander Technique has valuable and profound tools to offer.

On the other hand, the Alexander Technique does not consider itself a healing method and is subject to professional and legal limitations.

These difficulties push the topic of dealing with trauma in the context of the AT into a shadowy area that unsettles both clients and teachers.

In the framework of “INTERESTING TALKS”, I would like to invite teachers as well as trainees and clients to an open exchange.

The Alexander Technique, aspects of trauma research and our personal history form the field of reference in which we can present our perspectives, articulate our needs and design paths that above all follow the singular purpose intended by the AT: to promote people’s self-control in a holistic way.


6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Cost: 20 €