Personal And Professional Development Program
Many are moved and inspired by the Alexander Technique. People from all walks of life and professions have found a rich understanding of life and a deeper meaning in their work through their private lessons. Some experience the wish to intensify this journey without the intention of becoming a teacher, to become more familiar with the Technique and embody its principles more proficiently in daily and professional life.
For this reason the Alexander Technique Berlin offers a Personal and Professional Development Program. Applicants are invited to participate in class for 1, 2 or 3 semesters, according to individual aspirations. The continuity of the work and the focus of the class environment offer all the advantages of the Teacher Training Course: heightening sensory awareness, establishing stability in one’s ‘use of oneself’, understanding ‘use’ and ‘misuse’ and their relationship to health and happiness, clarification of coordination and communication, a profound understanding of fundamental principles affecting the mind/body coordination of the individual.
The Personal and Professional Development Program is completed without a professional qualification. It does not qualify the applicant to use the professional title of Teacher of the Alexander Technique. Attendance of the Program however is certified by the school for Alexander-Technik Berlin, acknowledging an Alexander Technique Further Education Process as a valuable enhancement to professional engagement. Should the applicant then wish to continue to attain qualification as a Teacher and enrol for the Teacher Training Program, the hours undertaken in the Personal and Professional Development Program will be credited to the Training Course.
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