The Alexander Technique Centre Berlin opened its doors in 1998 as The School for F.M. Alexander Technique, Berlin’ by Dan Armon.

Since then many hundreds have passed through its doors, each with their own interests and concerns requiring attention. Musicians, actors, athletes and others, seeking to improve their performance; painters, writers in search of a creative flow; many struggling with stress, reoccurring pain, burn-out, back-ache, restrictive mobility, persistent headaches or migraine, anxiety or sleeping problems; people looking for orientation and a more meaningful participation in society, or those simply pursuing personal growth and development. Many, having tried a number of disciplines and treatments, looking in vain for answers and alleviation, find their way to ATCB.


Teacher Training

Workshops /
Seminars / Events

The Alexander Technique Centre Berlin has remained a constant and uniquely inspiring environment offering not only stimulating, and often reassuring ways and means for addressing the concerns a hand, but also an effective assistance for dealing with the very roots of the issues.

The space and awareness at The Alexander Technique Center Berlin facilitate each of us to perceive deeply into the causes of personal limitations, restricted capabilities and shortcomings. It offers an insight into the dynamics of life’s challenges, and awakens in turn a creative potentiality, equipping the inquirer with the capacities to deal with them.

Over the years, the Alexander Technique Teaching Centre has qualified around 150 teachers. Many are still resident in Berlin, some have returned to their homelands around the world. The ATCB remains however a hub for a vivid and lively international community of Alexander Teachers, a meeting place for discourse, dialogue and further exploration into the scope and meaning of the Alexander Technique.

In 2022, followind Dan Armon’s retirement, the Centre was taken over by Jonathan Sheratte.

News & Upcoming Events

Visitors are always welcome to take part in training course classes. Come for a couple of hours, a full morning, or for a full week’s workshop.

The class takes place from Monady to Friday, from 9:00 to 12:30.

Visitors are fully integrated into all class activites and receive work from staff and assistants.

Training Course Dates

8.1. – 9.2.
19.2.- 22.3.

6.5. – 7.6.
17.6. – 12.7.

16.9. – 18.10.
4.11. – 30.11.

13.1. – 15.2.
24.2.- 28.3.

5.5. – 23.5.
2.6. – 27.6.
Summer intensive 3.7 – 6.7.
8.7. – 18.7

22.9. – 19.10.
3.11. – 28.11.

…or just come by spontaneously!

Our Team



von Hahn



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